8th November 2021
Weatherhaven has been successfully approved as a FATS5 supplier on the UK Government wide Framework Agreement for Technical Support (FATS5) by demonstrating strong competence in delivering engineering technical support. Weatherhaven has also been an approved supplier of previous iterations of the FATS framework and has built up a long and technically qualified relationship with the UK MOD through the delivery of £ multi-million GBP of engineering support.
Weatherhaven is an approved FATS 5 supplier in the following capability areas:
Filter 6 Air Safety
Filter 9 C4ISR Engineering
Filter 15 C4ISR Acquisition Safety
Growing our position on the FATS framework demonstrates our commitment to engineering and technical service provision to the Government sector. We have a team of highly skilled and motivated Suitably Qualified & Experienced Personnel (SQEP) within the company that we know provide great value for money to UK Government in the execution of their engineering support tasks.